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Government and the Public Sector

The Sector

The public sector covers Central and Local Government as well as government agencies and non–departmental public bodies. As such it relates to all aspects of UK citizens’ social and economic activities, from cradle to the grave.

Public sector total expenditure on services amounts to £600 billion. Further details of expenditure, split by department and region⁄country within the UK, are available in Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis (PESA) 2009 available here.

Although total public expenditure is set to fall in real terms over the next few years, in order to compensate for the increase during the current recession it will still account for above 40% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Our Experience

The 3Spheres UK team have experience of:

These studies have been both qualitative and quantitative in nature, and both on– and off–line using a variety of research techniques. The research has covered customer needs and satisfaction, employee surveys, impact assessment and evaluations of policies and initiatives, inward investment, market and product assessments, new product and service development, and branding and marketing communications evaluations.

For research in the public sector contact 3Spheres UK.

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